Tuesday, January 18, 2005


Dear Friends,

It is time to strongly act regarding Makrina Gudiel, whose father was killed last December. I am also very concerned at the use of police to act
against campesinos in Solola a couple of days ago. Please, widely circulate the information:

I would suggest organizing a delegation to Guatemala as soon as possible.


Raul Molina


17 January 2005
Further Information on UA 06/05 issued 11 January
2005 - Fear for safety

Makrina Gudiel Alvarez (f)
Agripina Alvarez (f)
Carlos Ernesto Cruz Gudiel (f)
Oscar Cruz Gudiel (m)
Jose Gabriel Cruz Gudiel (m)

Makrina Gudiel has been attacked by men who apparently sprayed gasoline over the pick-up truck in which she was traveling and attempted to set it
on fire. Amnesty International believes that she and her family are in very grave danger.

On 14 January at 7:30pm she and a work colleague were traveling from her home town of Santa Lucia Cotzumalguapa to the regional capital of

They noticed two cars following them, and after about 10 minutes, when they were still three kilometres from Escuintla, Makrina saw what she
thought were raindrops falling on the windscreen. When she opened the window she realized that gasoline had been sprayed all over the pick-up
truck from one of the following cars: in the dark she had not seen what was happening. Her colleague, who was driving, swerved in the road to
prevent the following cars from coming alongside, which would have allowed them to set fire to the gasoline, and managed to escape into the car park
of a nearby restaurant.

The two cars stopped on the road a short distance from the restaurant and waited, taking care to stay in the shadows so their number plates could
not be seen. They switched their headlights on and off repeatedly and revved their engines, to show that they were watching and waiting. After
10 minutes the lead car drove closer to where Makrina and her colleague had parked, and the driver revved the engine for a few moments and then
left. With the other car still waiting in the shadows Makrina and her colleague decided to flee and drove away at high speed to a friend's house
in Escuintla. They arrived safely.

The Procuradoria de los Derecho Humanos, Office of the Human Rights Ombudsman, has now become involved in protecting Makrina and her family,
and has provided them with a safe house where they are now in hiding.


Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible:
- expressing grave concern for the safety of the Makrina Gudiel, after the attempt on her life on 14 January in which her vehicle was sprayed with
- calling on the authorities to provide her and her family with full protection and order an investigation into the threats and acts of
intimidation they have suffered, with those responsible brought to justice;
- calling for a full investigation into illegal armed groups operating in the area of Escuintla;
- urging the authorities to take immediate measures to end the intimidation of public officials, so that they can carry out their duties without fear of intimidation.

APPEALS TO: (if a voice answers a fax number, ask 'me puede dar el tono de fax, por favor')

President /Presidente de la Republica de Guatemala.
Licenciado Oscar Berger Perdomo
Casa Presidencial, 6 a. Avenida, 4-18 zona 1.
Ciudad de Guatemala, GUATEMALA
Fax: 011 502 2221 4423 / 2239-0090
Email: presidente@scspr.gob.gt
Salutation: Excelentisimo Sr. Presidente/Dear Mr.

Minister of the Interior / Ministro de Gobernacion
Carlos Vielman
6a.Avenida 4-64, zona 4, nivel 3.
Ciudad de Guatemala. GUATEMALA
Fax: 011 502 2362-02 37
Email: ministro@mingob.gob.gt
Salutation: Senor Ministro/ Dear Minister


Attorney General
Fiscal General de la Republica y jefe del Ministerio Publico
Juan Luis Florido
8a. Avenida 10-67, Zona 1, Antiguo Edificio del Banco de los Trabajadores,
Ciudad de Guatemala, GUATEMALA
Fax: 011 502 2251 2218

Presidential Commission for Human Rights
Comision Presidencial de Derechos Humanos
Frank La Rue
13 Calle 15-33 zona 13
Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Fax: 011 502 2334-1615
Email: copredeh@copredeh.gob.gt

Ambassador Jose Guillermo Castillo
Embassy of Guatemala
2220 R St. NW
Washington DC 20008
Fax: 1 202 745 1908
Email: ambassador@guatemala-embassy.org

Please send appeals immediately. Check with the Colorado office between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm, Mountain Time, weekdays only, if sending appeals
after February 28, 2005.

Amnesty International is a worldwide grassroots movement that promotes and defends human rights.

This Urgent Action may be reposted if kept intact, including contact information and stop action date (if applicable). Thank you for your help with this appeal.

Urgent Action Network
Amnesty International USA
PO Box 1270
Nederland CO 80466-1270
Email: uan@aiusa.org

Phone: 303 258 1170
Fax: 303 258 7881



Max L. Gimbel
Director of Research
Guatemala Human Rights Commission
3321 12th St. NE
Washington DC 20017
fax - 202.526.4611


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